How Embroidery Can Improve Wellbeing

Putting our phones away to focus on a creative outlet like hand embroidery offers notable mental health benefits. It allows us to unplug from the constant barrage of notifications and digital distractions, reducing stress and anxiety.

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Unlocking the Joy of Embroidering on Wool Felt: A Simple Guide

Embroidering on wool felt can seem daunting, but with the right technique, it becomes a stress-free and enjoyable task. Here’s how you can easily transfer patterns onto felt and start your creative journey.

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Discovering Self-Identity and Inner Peace Through Hand Embroidery

The curated perfection we see online often leaves us feeling inadequate and disconnected. However, there is a timeless, empowering craft that can help us reclaim our sense of identity and inner peace: hand embroidery.

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Planes Workshop is a creative brand specialising in beginner Friendly Craft Projects. We stand out from the rest with our truly unique craft kits and digital patterns. Learn to be creative and feel empowered. We're rooting for you!

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